Вопросы для самоконтроля по курсу стилистики

Style study
1.     What are the main trends in style study?
2.     What forms and types of speech do you know?
3.     What is functional style and what functional styles do you know?
4.     What levels of linguistic analysis do you know and which of them are relevant for stylistic analysis?
5.     What is decoding stylistics?
6.     What is the main concern of practical stylistics?

Stylistic differentiation of the vocabulary
1.     What can you say about the meaning of a word and its relation to the concept of entity?
2.     What types of lexical meaning do you know and what stipulates their                  existence and differentiation?
3.     What connotational meanings do you know? Dwell on each of them. Provide examples.
4.     What is the role of the context in meaning actualization?
5.     What registers of communication are reflected in the stylistic differentiation of the vocabulary?
6.     Speak about general literary words.
7.     What are the main subgroups of special literary words?
8.     What do you know of terms, their structure, meaning, functions?
9.     What are the fields of application of archaic words and forms?
10. What are the main characteristics of slang?
11. What do you know of professional and social jargonisms?
12. What is the place and role of dialectal words in the national language? In the literary language?

1.     What lexical meanings of a word can you name?
2.     What SDs are based on the use of the logical (denotational) meaning of a word?
3.     What is a contextual meaning? How is it used in a SD?
4.     What is the difference between the original and the hackneyed SDs?
5.     What is a metaphor? What are its semantic, morphological, syntactical, functional peculiarities?
6.     What is a metonymy? Give a detailed description of the device.
7.     What is included into the group of SDs known as "play on words"?
8.     What is irony, what lexical meaning is employed in its formation?
9.     What is antonomasia? What meanings interact in its formation?
10.  What lexical meaning is instrumental in the formation of epithets?
11.  What semantic types of epithets do you know?
12.  What structural types of epithets do you know?
13.  What meaning is foregrounded in a hyperbole?
14. What is understatement? In what way does it differ from hyperbole?
15.  What is an oxymoron and what meanings are foregrounded in its       formation?

Syntactical level
1.     Comment on the length of the sentence and its stylistic relevance.
2.     Is there any correlation between the length and the structure of the sentence?
3.     What punctuation marks do you know and what is their stylistic potential?
4.     What is a rhetorical question?
5.     What types of repetition do you know?
6.     What constructions are called parallel?
7.     What is chiasmus?
8.     What syntactical stylistic devices dealing with arrangement of sentence members do you remember?
9.     What types of inversion do you know?
10. What is suspense, how is it used and what is its function?
11.  What do you know about detachment and punctuation used with detached sentence members?
12.  What sentence members are most often detached?
13.  What types of ellipsis do you know and where is each of them used predominantly?
14.  What member of the sentence represents "one-member" sentences?
15. .What additional information about the act of communication and its participants is conveyed by the break?
16.  What punctuation is used in the break?
17.  What types of connecting syntactical units do you know? Which of them are used to create additional information and achieve a specific effect?
18.  Speak about asyndeton and its functions.
19.  Discuss polysyndeton.
20.  "What is attachment(gap-sentence link, annexation)? When and where is it used? (in the dialogue, reported speech, entrusted narrative)

Lexico-syntactical stylistic devices.
1.     What do you about antithesis? Why is it viewed separately from parallel constructions?
2.     Have you ever read /or heard War and Peace, Up and Down?
3.     Speak about  SD of climax and its types,  (logical,  emotive  and      qualitative)
4.     What is anticlimax?
5.     What is a simile and what is a simple comparison?
6.     What is the foundation of the simile? Its functions?
7.     What is  litotes? What is there in common between litotes  and       understatement?
8.     Speak about the types of periphrasis.
9.     What are the main stylistic functions of periphrasis?

Types of narration
1.                 Indicate the types of narration.
2.                 What is the difference between the author's narrative proper and  the entrusted narrative?
3.                 What forms of entrusted narrative do you know?
4.                 Comment on the main functions of the image of the author.
5.                 How is a speech characteristic of a personage formed?
6.                 What forms of interior speech do you know?
7.                 What is represented speech and what types do you know? (stream of          consciousness)
8.                 What narrative compositional forms are mainly represented in a рrosе work?
9.                 Which   compositional   forms   are   considered   dynamic   (narrative proper), static (description, argumentation)? Why?

Functional Styles
1.                 What types of language communication do you know?
2.                 What are the main characteristics of oral speech?
3.                 Enumerate functional styles of contemporary English.
4.                 What do you know about the scientific style?
5.                 Characterize the official style.
6.                 Discuss the peculiarities of the newspaper style.
7.                 What are the main features of the publicist style?
8.                 What is the status of belles-lettres style among other functional  styles?
9.                 What dichotomies between the types and the forms of language communication do you know? Do they correlate?
10.            Can you think of any intermediate styles, boasting of qualities of the
two or even more "regular" styles?


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Functional styles