Types of narration/narrative compositional forms
TYPES OF NARRATION Author’s Narrative. Dialogue. Interior Speech. Represented Speech. Compositional Forms A work of creative prose is never homogeneous as to the form and essence of the information it carries. Both very much depend on the viewpoint of the addresser, as the author and his personages may offer different angles of perception of the same object. Naturally, it is the author who organizes this effect of polyphony, but we, the readers, while reading the text, identify various views with various personages, not attributing them directly to the writer. The latter’s views and emotions are most explicitly expressed in the author’s speech (or the author’s narrative). The unfolding of me plot is mainly concentrated here, personages are given characteristics, the time and the place of action are also described here, as the author sees them. The author’s narrative supplies the reader with direct information about the author’s preferences and objections, beliefs and cont...